Before I Knew The Cabots Book 1 eBook Jamie Beck

Before I Knew The Cabots Book 1 eBook Jamie Beck
Too much angst and NO joy. I'm exhausted after pushing through till the end of this book. I loved Jamie's first three books, but each of her books since then have been really going downhill. Each character in the book was so miserable. I know it is a heavy subject matter, but what was gained from reading all that misery without the balance of some characters who were at least a step above misery and despair, guilt , resentment, etc, etc, etc? Geez! I had many other issues with this book. Jamie Beck showed real talent in her earlier novels with her writing style and imagination. Now, her novels are becolming increasingly heavy with no happiness. This book in particular was so wordy. In the beginning. I felt like she was using so many adjectives and descriptions in each paragraph that I began rolling my eyes. The plot was dark but shallow. She also jumped from Colby's point of view to Alec's without any warning or order.Some other issues I have are:
Alex never revieals his lifelong unrequited love for her.
It is hard to imagine that her family had no real concerns or at least suspicions about her husband's mental illness. Even after he jumped out a building in front of his wife!!
Colby had no backbone. Neither did Alex.
I'm truy sorry to be so blunt, but I'm hoping Ms. Beck will take notice of some of these complaints. I hope she can get back that spark she brought to her early novels. I really miss that.

Tags : Before I Knew (The Cabots Book 1) eBook: Jamie Beck: Kindle Store,ebook,Jamie Beck,Before I Knew (The Cabots Book 1),Montlake Romance
Before I Knew The Cabots Book 1 eBook Jamie Beck Reviews
I previously read a couple of Jamie Beck's books and really enjoyed them. This one had the main female character widowed as a result of her husband's secret bipolar manic behavior ending with him taking a dive off the balcony of their multi-story condo in front of her without warning. He would stop taking meds etc.Add to this her love interest Alec who is an award winning chef who grew up next door to Cody and reunited when Cody decided to quit her attorney career and open a restaurant Alec is a real sweetheart who has loved Cody secretly since high school . Alec brother died three weeks before Cody's husband while on a weekend macho mountain biking and missing a daring jump that killed him. Alex ruined his restaurant in France by grieving and feeling guilty
That he and his brother were not close and argued darts before his death. Add to this a verbally abusive father of Alex who demeaned Alec from the time he first got interested in cooking because it wasn't macho and encouraged his brother to treat him similarly. Subsequently Alec's father two years later still is angry and grieving blaming Cody for his son's death because His son became strong friends with Cody's husband and met him because of Cody.
The guilt of the secret dead husband's mental illness that he stopped treating and she could not fix weighs so heavy in Cody that I kept waiting for the Unfortunately for me the whole combo of all the manic behavior never being found out ?.???and Alex's creep of a father kept continuing until the very end of book. I really was disappointed by that. I like Jamie's writing style but a please get the characters counseling so the story becomes progressively happier. This book was a bit of a downer. I bought the second book in the series earlier I hope it is better.
Omgosh the angst! Every single page is the same woe is me and my secrets. The book is predictable, elementary, and so full of sob story that I had a hard time trudging through. I didn’t finish, but did go 3/4 and then to the end for the predictable finish. I read it on 2 long flights, so didn’t really have to concentrate much. I gave it 3 stars because it is an ok read. Not the worst I have ever read.
This story was such a downer that it wore me out!! I know mental illness is real, but to have it as the main storyline was too much for me. Constant back and forth with should I do or say this or should I not. I usually enjoy Jamie Beck's books, but not this one. I hope the next book is better!!
BEFORE I KNEW is an exceptional first book in Jamie Beck's new series THE CABOT'S. I was heartbroken before the end of chapter one and relished my heart being mended as Ms Beck wove her magic throughout the remainder of the story.
Jamie Beck has a knack for being able to pull a reader into her stories with potent plot lines and magnificently strong, yet flawed characters. These characteristics are certainly present in BEFORE I KNEW and each enhances the story and allows for readers to be totally engaged.
Colby and Alec, the main characters, as well as a host of secondary characters, are suffering from the loss of a friend and a family member. Colby and Alec are especially affected by the losses and are attempting to forge their way forward even though each is burdened with secrets and lies causing overwhelming grief and guilt. I felt the pain of their mistakes as they traveled their own paths towards a second chance life with each other. My tears were real and my happiness boundless as Colby and Alec finally learn the importance of honesty and forgiveness with themselves, each other and their families.
BEFORE I KNEW is a bases clearing home run! Thank you Jamie Beck for and engaging, outstanding read! I look forward to reading more books in THE CABOT'S series.
I have enjoyed the vast majority of Jamie Beck novels and search them out. They are typically light, uncomplicated easy reads with happy endings and convenient solutions. I normally like that to balance some of the darker more complex books that I occasionally read. This book took me eons to read. I could not get excited about the drab connection between the 2 main characters and there was little to no climax to make the journey worth while. The ending was just a little too convenient and easy. While this wasn't my favorite Jamie beck book, I am still planning to read the next installment of the Cabot series because I am intrigued by the seemingly "perfect relationship" and the cracks that sometimes exist beneath the surface. In previous books, Jamie Beck has been good at weaving insightful logic into her characters and I am hoping the next few books include that clever writing again.
Too much angst and NO joy. I'm exhausted after pushing through till the end of this book. I loved Jamie's first three books, but each of her books since then have been really going downhill. Each character in the book was so miserable. I know it is a heavy subject matter, but what was gained from reading all that misery without the balance of some characters who were at least a step above misery and despair, guilt , resentment, etc, etc, etc? Geez! I had many other issues with this book. Jamie Beck showed real talent in her earlier novels with her writing style and imagination. Now, her novels are becolming increasingly heavy with no happiness. This book in particular was so wordy. In the beginning. I felt like she was using so many adjectives and descriptions in each paragraph that I began rolling my eyes. The plot was dark but shallow. She also jumped from Colby's point of view to Alec's without any warning or order.
Some other issues I have are
Alex never revieals his lifelong unrequited love for her.
It is hard to imagine that her family had no real concerns or at least suspicions about her husband's mental illness. Even after he jumped out a building in front of his wife!!
Colby had no backbone. Neither did Alex.
I'm truy sorry to be so blunt, but I'm hoping Ms. Beck will take notice of some of these complaints. I hope she can get back that spark she brought to her early novels. I really miss that.

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